Marina High School

Hybrid-Online Courses


Welcome to the Marina High School Hybrid-Online Course Info Page!

Follow these three easy steps to enroll in hybrid-online courses at Marina High School:

What is a Hybrid-Online Class at Marina?
It is a regular high school course that is taught in a more flexible format.

It is NOT the same type of hybrid we experienced during the Pandemic in the 2020-21 school year.

In a regular hybrid course, you will meet with your instructor on campus at least once a week. The remaining days, you will work on projects or online asynchronous work, usually through Canvas.

You still have a regular teacher, and you still will attend Marina for your other classes.

You will just have a hybrid class you will attend in-person less frequently, giving you more freedom in managing your personal time. For this reason, hybrid classes are scheduled at the beginning or end of the day.

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Take the “Are You Ready for Hybrid” assessment
Click THIS LINK to complete the online self-assessment.

Your numerical score will appear at the top left of the assessment once you have answered each question in all four tabs.

RECORD YOUR SCORE. You will need it to complete the next step.
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Complete the online form to register your interest in taking one or more hybrid-online courses in the 2021-22 school year.
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Print, Sign, and Return the Hybrid-Online Learning Agreement
Click THIS LINK to download the REQUIRED Learning Agreement.

Both the student and parent/guardian must sign the agreement for each class the student wants to take in the hybrid-online format.
Complete ALL three steps to request an Online-Hybrid course.
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Take the “Are You Ready for Hybrid” assessment
Click THIS LINK to complete the online self-assessment.

Your numerical score will appear at the top left of the assessment once you have answered each question in all four tabs.

RECORD YOUR SCORE. You will need it to complete the next step.
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Complete the online form to register your interest in taking one or more hybrid-online courses in the 2021-22 school year.
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Print, Sign, and Return the Hybrid-Online Learning Agreement
Click THIS LINK to download the REQUIRED Learning Agreement.

Both the student and parent/guardian must sign the agreement for each class the student wants to take in the hybrid-online format.